среда, 5 сентября 2012 г.

Azevias de Gila (Sweet Pumpkin Pockets)


      This is a classic Portuguese Christmas dish for a dessert of pastry pockets stuffed with a sweet pumpkin and lemon filling. Traditionally this is made with a type of pumpkin known in Portuguese as gila or chila. This is Cucurbita argyrosperma variety 'Pima Bajo Segualca' summer squash which has a pale flesh that is more fibrousy that other squashes. The ripe fruit can be stored for up to 6 months.


For the Dough:
250g plain flour
75g cold lard or butter
1 egg
pinch of salt
a little cold water to bind the dough

For the Filling:
250g cooked sweet pumpkin flesh (boiled until tender and chopped)
150g sugar
freshly-grated zest of 1 lemon
pinch of cinnamon
2 egg yolks
50g ground almonds
icing sugar, to dust


   Begin by cooking the sweet pumpkin. When done make the pastry. Combine the flour and salt in a bowl. Dice the lard (or butter) and rub into the flour mix with your fingertips to form a dough.
   Add the egg and stir to mix then add just enough water (if needed) to bring the ingredients together as a dough. Cover in clingfilm (plastic wrap) then chill the dough in the refrigerator for at least 30 minutes.
   Now turn to the filling. Turn the cooked pumpkin into a food processor then add the lemon zest, sugar, cinnamon, egg yolks and ground almonds. Pulse until smooth (if necessary add a little water) then turn the mixture into a bowl.
   Remove the dough from from the refrigerator and turn out onto a lightly-floured work surface. Flour a rolling pin and use to roll out the dough very thinly. Use the rim of a glass or a pastry cutter to excise rounds from the pastry (re-roll the remaining scraps and cut more rounds from them).
   Place a teaspoon (or a tablespoon) of the filling on one half of the pastry then fold over and seal to form half-moons. Pierce the top with the tines of a fork then either deep fry or bake the pockets until golden brown and cooked through. Dust with icing sugar and serve.

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