среда, 30 марта 2011 г.

Apricot and nut biscotti

Hello, my fellow bakers. In the some past weeks I've been obsessing with biscotti baking. I just love that crumbly texture and taste of filling I chose to put in. One day I just googled the recipies of biscotti - oh my word - they are more than men in the world :) I'd really love to if you'd post some of your favourite biscotti recipies, I'll try them and let you know how it went.
   Here I'm gonna post my far most favourite recipe!

250g plain flour
250g caster sugar
1.5 tsp baking powder
3 medium eggs, lightly beaten
50g dried sweetened strawberries, chopped
100g dried apricots, chopped
50g medjod dates, pitted and chopped
75g shelled pistachio nuts
50g whole blanched almonds
50g shelled hazelnuts
zest of 1 lemon

  1. Preheat the oven to 180C. Line a baking tray with baking parchment.
  2. Mix the flour, sugar and baking powder in a large bowl. Add the half of the beaten eggs and mix well, then add half of what's left and mix again. Now add the last quarter a little bit at a time until the dough takes shape but isn't too wet ( you may not need to use all of the eggs). Add the fruits, nuts and lemon zest and mix well.
  3. Divide the mixture into six, roll into sausage shapes about 3cm in diameter and place at least 6cm apart on lined baking tray (wetting your hands before rolling these helps to prevent the dough sticking). Lightly flatten the "sausages".
  4. Bake for 20-30 minutes until golden brown. Remove from the heat and leave for 10 minutes to cool and firm up.
  5. Using a serrated knife, cut the biscotti on an angle into slices 5mm thick. Lay the slices back on the baking tray. Return to the oven and cook for 8 minutes, then turn the slices over and cook for a further 10-15 minutes or until a pale golden color. Cool on wire rack, then store in airtight jars. 
P.S. I did not use all of the sugar what's shown in recipe, biscotti in the end came out quite sweet, but if you like them sweet do use it all. 

Anzac biscuits

         Funnily enough, I don't really like porridge, but I love oats in biscuits, flapjacks and other desserts. These recipies are quite delicious, they disappeared fast!!! So make sure you make more of them if you have big family or just lot of hungry friends :)

85g porridge oats
85g desiccated coconut
100g plain flour
100g caster sugar
100g butter, plus extra for greasing
1tbsp golden syrup
1tsp bicarbonate of soda

  1. Heat oven to 180C. Put the oats, coconut, flour and sugar in a bowl. Melt the butter in a small pan and stir in the golden syrup. Add the bicarbonate of soda to 2tbsp boiling water, then stir into the melted butter and syrup mixture.
  2. Make a well in the middle of the dry ingredients and pour in the butter ad syrup mixture. Stir gently to combine.
  3. Put dessertspoonfuls of the mixture on the buttered baking sheets, about 2.5 cm apart to allow room for spreading. Bake in batches for 8-10 min until golden. Transfer to a wire rack to cool.